CBD oil seems to be taking over the world these days, it is becoming increasingly popular and widely recognised as a very useful supplement for our bodies. Even when you listen to top podcasts such as The Joe Rogan Experience you will constantly hear him and his sporting guests waxing lyrical about the virtues of CBD oil – if top sports stars are choosing to use CBD oil then there really must be something to it, and it’s so easy to pick up one of the best CBD oil on Justbob.

From my experience with CBD I can tell you that I absolutely love it! The fact that you can get so many benefits from something that is natural means we should all be using it instead of anything coming out of a lab. It helps with aches, pains, anxiety, inflammation and much more. It has been so good for my lifestyle that I can’t see myself ever going a day without it.

As you know, I travel a massive amount so therefore I need to bring my CBD oil with me when I fly. I think that the number of people wanting to travel with CBD must be huge because it relaxes people and that make it ideal for flying. Traveling with CBD oil was up until recently quite a grey area but thankfully the TSA has now made it clear to all us travellers what they’ll let us to take with us. So don’t listen to any people commenting on line, on forums who have no knowledge at all – trust me when I say that following the advice of people posting on sites such as Reddit will never end well.

The TSA has made it crystal clear that they will persist passengers to fly with both CBD and help products. So the simple thing to note is that YES the TSA will allow you to travel with your Royal CBD oil if it contains less than 0.3% of THC.

I would love to hear from you guys about your experiences traveling with CBD oil – did you face any issues? Also, it would be great to hear from people out there that use CBD oil. Please let us all know about the benefits and any other useful information you’d like to share. When we can share our first hand experiences it helps others get reliable information and hopefully it will help people see why they really need to add CBD oil in to their daily routine. Thanks for sharing guys!

Remember, never travel without travel insurance! And never overpay for travel insurance!

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Also, if you want to start a blog...I CAN HELP YOU!

Also, if you want to start a blog, and start to change your life, I'd love to help you! Email me on johnny@onestep4ward.com. In the meantime, check out my super easy blog post on how to start a travel blog in under 30 minutes, here! And if you just want to get cracking, use BlueHost at a discount, through me.

Also, (if you're like me, and awful with tech-stuff) email me and my team can get a blog up and running for you, designed and everything, for $699 - email johnny@onestep4ward.com to get started.

Do you work remotely? Are you a digital nomad/blogger etc? You need to be insured too.

I use SafetyWing for my digital nomad insurance. It covers me while I live overseas. It's just $10 a week, and it's amazing! No upfront fees, you just pay week by week, and you can sign up just for a week if you want, then switch it off and on whenever. You can read my review here, and you can sign-up here!


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