How To Kill Time When At The Airport

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Travelling opens one’s perspective to newer things in life, be it experiences, cuisine, or even people. However, the most dreaded part of travelling is waiting for flights at the airport. 

The wait seems neverending, and you are likely to feel bored beyond your imagination. Despite having access to premium lounges, free food, and unbeatable comfort, it eventually becomes monotonous and tiring after some time. 

If this sounds like you, here are some tried and tested tips to try:

Play online games

Online games have been the rage recently for all the right reasons. They are realistic, entertaining to play and sometimes even rewarding. However, it is crucial to check for reviews to ensure that you are enrolling on a safe and reliable platform. 

Various online resources talk in detail about games, like Players Palace Casino Review, Smite, and other popular games. Reading these reviews will help you understand whether you should pursue them or skip them. 

Read about fascinating topics 

Whether it’s reading about marine life in detail or exploring how the world came into existence, learning about topics that interest you is an incredible way to spend time. It expands your knowledge, opens new perspectives and gives you more reasons to pursue your passion. 

This information can be accessed by reading a book, looking up relevant websites or even watching videos online. Make sure that you are keeping track of your flight’s departure time so you do not end up missing it. 

Learn more about where you are headed 

Even if we have spent countless hours researching and planning the trip, there will still be places we might miss. This usually occurs when we haven’t gone into depth about the destination we are headed to. 

To avoid missing out on visiting hidden gems, consider utilizing the airport wait time to your advantage. Read more about where you are headed, the culture, and the absolutely unmissable places to be. You can also check locations travel vloggers went to while they were at the same place as you are going to. 

Eat and stay hydrated

Airports are fancy, and they often seem out of this world. But when you are waiting for your flight (especially when the wait time is huge), you want to skip unnecessary things in an attempt to preserve your energy. 

This also includes avoiding walking long distances to grab a bite. However, this is not ideal. Staying on an empty stomach for too long can cause hunger pangs, lightheadedness, and even dizziness in some cases. Eating at regular intervals will keep your body energized and prevent travel fatigue. 

At the same time, it is best not to overeat and keep your portion sizes small. Similarly, ensure you drink enough water to avoid dehydration during the flight. 


Sleeping is not only a great way to rest your body for upcoming adventures but also an incredible means to kill time. If you have lounge access, consider using it to catch up on a few hours of sleep. 

Meanwhile, in case you do not have it, consider carrying a neck pillow. It will allow you to comfortably sleep while providing adequate support to your neck and shoulders. 

Sharing Your Travel Experience

While waiting at the airport, turn idle moments into creative opportunities by uploading Instagram stories and sharing the most photogenic places you’ve encountered during your travels. 

Capture the unique atmosphere of the airport, from architectural marvels to bustling terminals, and use short clips, Boomerangs, and engaging captions to tell a compelling visual story.

Listen to podcasts 

Listening to podcasts can be a good option if you are looking for meaningful ways to spend your time. They are made to be engaging, talk about topics you might be interested in, and keep you engaged for hours on end. The only thing you must get right is finding the genre or topic of interest. 


Airports are like a bustling beehive, filled with people rushing to their gates, families reuniting, and the occasional traveler stranded due to delays. If you find yourself stuck in this limbo with hours to kill, don’t just sit around; make the most of it.

Being at the airport for prolonged periods of time can be tiring and mentally frustrating. However, playing online games (always check the reviews first!), eating small portions and resting will ensure you are energetic and ready to enjoy your trip fully. 

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