Make Your Trips Safer With the Help of These 9 Apps

The travel season is almost here, prompting many of us to trade stuffy offices for azure beaches or secluded paths. As energizing and life-altering as such adventures may be, your safety is a top priority. You likely already know what to pack and how to behave. All that’s left is to load your smartphone up with our nine app suggestions to keep yourself, your data, and your money safe without impacting enjoyment.

A Trip Safety Advisor

Part of planning a safe trip is knowing what the conditions are like right now. Several apps specialize in providing current information on various risk factors connected to worldwide destinations. These may include ongoing unrest, political turmoil, or risks from terrorist attacks. If you encounter issues with any of these apps, it’s important to know how to force quit the frozen app to keep your device running smoothly. It’s a sensible precaution to take even if you’re traveling to safe destinations, as some locations might still be more dangerous than others for women, LGBTQ+ people, or certain ethnicities.

GPS Location Sharing

GPS is a godsend for wandering winding city streets or finding your way back to civilization. Coupled with the right app, it can also be an excellent security measure. The principle is simple – you open the app, tap out a quick message, and send it to someone or a list of contacts. It’s an easy and smart way of letting loved ones know exactly where you are, just in case. 


Sorting their SIM situation out is among the first things seasoned travelers do on arrival. Finding one can be a hassle; stuffing it into your phone while on the go with luggage in hand is even more annoying. Most modern phones have a tiny eSIM chip that supports several cards. eSIM apps let you set up, manage, and switch between different eSIM profiles.

Making calls or sending text messages works like usual. You’re also getting the same advanced mobile network encryption, yet don’t have to worry about keeping a tiny piece of plastic and metal safe. For the best eSIM providers, it’s recommended to search for an eSIM comparison online and look for features that seem the most important to you throughout the travels (like 24/7 customer support).

Transportation Scheduling

While the best way to experience most sights is on foot, you still have to get there. Options abound, especially in places like Europe with extensive rail networks and exceptional public transit. Most countries and even major cities offer free transit schedule apps you can download beforehand and use to plan safe routes. There’s always ride sharing if your destination happens to be out of local transport range.

An Emergency Service Directory

Nothing ruins a vacation faster than sickness or a sudden injury. Keeping an app on your phone that lists all local emergency numbers is a good idea. It’s an even better idea to get one that can point you to the nearest medical facilities or pharmacies and contains other helpful information like local names for your medication.

Translation Apps

Your chances of finding English speakers decrease the more exotic and remote your destination. You’ll want an app that lets you communicate with the locals. Some translate speech and text you type in. Others also come with augmented reality functions. Super useful for deciphering street signs, notices, and other important information.


Nothing beats sitting down at a nice café or pub after a day of sightseeing. Along with refreshments, such establishments frequently offer free Wi-Fi, which most of us sign onto without thinking. Given public Wi-Fi’s lack of security, that’s one of the most unsafe things you can do during your trip.

Tourist spots are prime targets for cybercrooks. They can easily tap into an original Wi-Fi connection or create a fake one to lure you in. They can see which sites you visit or log keystrokes to obtain usernames, passwords, PINs, and other sensitive information you unwittingly expose.

Turn a VPN on first if you must use public Wi-Fi. It will encrypt the connection, preventing anyone from being able to decipher your online activities or the information you exchange. Even if you avoid Wi-Fi, you can get a VPN for USA server access and enjoy geo-restricted content like exclusive shows on streaming platforms while abroad.

A Local Weather App

The weather app that comes with your phone is OK for getting a general idea, but you’ll want something more advanced to rely on when traveling.

A comprehensive weather app should include hourly updates on local weather patterns and issue alerts in the event of sudden changes. It should also include current satellite imagery and information on local conditions like air quality and UV index so you can take precautions and adjust your plans accordingly.

A Currency Converter

Even globetrotters get confused when trying to convert one currency to another, especially if their trips involve visiting several countries. A currency exchange app with real-time access to the latest rates will save the day. It can help you get a better sense of local prices and budget more economically. You’ll also be able to spot scams and attempts at shortchanging.

Remember, never travel without travel insurance! And never overpay for travel insurance!

I use HeyMondo. You get INSTANT quotes. Super cheap, they actually pay out, AND they cover almost everywhere, where most insurance companies don't (even places like Central African Republic etc!). You can sign-up here. PS You even get 5% off if you use MY LINK! You can even sign up if you're already overseas and traveling, pretty cool.

Also, if you want to start a blog...I CAN HELP YOU!

Also, if you want to start a blog, and start to change your life, I'd love to help you! Email me on In the meantime, check out my super easy blog post on how to start a travel blog in under 30 minutes, here! And if you just want to get cracking, use BlueHost at a discount, through me.

Also, (if you're like me, and awful with tech-stuff) email me and my team can get a blog up and running for you, designed and everything, for $699 - email to get started.

Do you work remotely? Are you a digital nomad/blogger etc? You need to be insured too.

I use SafetyWing for my digital nomad insurance. It covers me while I live overseas. It's just $10 a week, and it's amazing! No upfront fees, you just pay week by week, and you can sign up just for a week if you want, then switch it off and on whenever. You can read my review here, and you can sign-up here!


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