Traditional Dishes From Around The World – The Best Cruise Destinations For Culinary Delights

Whilst there are plenty of fantastic culinary options on board, recent years have seen a significant increase in what is termed gastronomic tourism. As many as 60% of travellers indicate that the reason they travel to other countries is to sample different cuisines, cooked with authentic ingredients and to original recipes rather than those they might find in their own country, adapted to different palates. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best cruise holidays you could consider for experiencing traditional dishes from around the world. 


Barcelona, Spain 

Considered to be one of the best food destinations in the world, Barcelona is a very popular food port. It is famous for the wonderful variety of tapas dishes that are on offer, and of course, for Paella. Expect varied menus with plenty of fresh ingredients, fish, vegetables, and delicate spicing. Spain is also a great destination for wine as well. 


When it comes to great food, Italy is somewhere that is hard to overlook. With an incredible mixture of pasta, pizza, and fresh dishes, Italy has something for everyone. Venice is the destination you need to head to if you are looking for risotto, Naples is, of course, the home of pizza, and Rome is famous for carbonara. Don’t forget, you will also find an incredible range of coffees and wines in Italy as well.


Whilst there is plenty of great food in South America, Argentina is one of the most popular and authentic destinations. The country is famous for beef and steaks, which are some of the best in the world. Buenos Aires has some incredible restaurants offering authentic dishes and there are lots of food tours you can take where Argentinian delicacies are available to taste. Celebrity Cruises offers a Chef’s Market Discoveries tour, which is a foodie’s heaven.


You may think that you have tasted authentic Mexican food. After all, it is found all over the world. However, for truly authentic dishes you really do need to travel to the country itself. Mexican cuisine extends beyond fajitas, tacos, enchiladas, and burritos and there are some truly spectacular culinary delights just waiting to dazzle your senses with their delicate spicing. Carnival Cruise Lines offers two different destinations in Mexico, both with great food pedigrees.


Much like Mexican cuisine, you will find Indian dishes all over the world, but many of the more popular dishes will bear little resemblance to the original dishes. Mumbai is a popular destination for those seeking authentic Indian cuisine. In addition to a wide range of meat dishes, you should also expect to find some interesting plant-based meals as well. 

Sri Lanka

Another great destination for those in search of authentically spiced food is Sri Lanka. Azamara offers immersive cruises to both Sri Lanka and India with plenty of excursions that will introduce Guests to new culinary experiences. 


The French are well known for their cuisine and of course their wine. Cities like La Rochelle, Nice, Bordeaux, and Brest are among the places to visit in search of culinary excellence. Regent Seven Seas offers various itineraries to the area, one of which includes a visit to Saint Tropez, where a visit to La Vague d’Or restaurant will pair wine with some of the best dishes you will taste.

Even a humble sandwich in France will open your taste buds up to the simple flavours and textures that put French cuisine amongst the best in the world. 

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