Travel the world with ease this year with these top pastime activities

Have you been looking at all the incredible pictures your friends have been posting on Instagram of their summer travels abroad? Yeah, us too. If you haven’t been so lucky as to jet across the world this summer, don’t be blue! There are ways to experience the world and other cultures right from the comfort of your home!

Game across the world

You don’t need to go very far to experience the thrills of another country! Hop onto an online casino licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority and you can have a taste of one of the most beautiful island nations in the world, without stepping out your front door! MGA casinos found at offer secure and high-quality gambling, many with a sprinkle of island life flair.

Explore the world through food 

One of the best ways to travel the world without going very far is to try food from around the world. International cuisine boasts unique flavors and signature dishes you may never have tried before. Expand your culinary prowess by giving new recipes a try yourself (find them online or in cookbooks) or visit local restaurants that offer international cuisine. From Japanese to Korean, Italian and French restaurants, there’s a whole world of food out there to explore!

Learn a new language

Open yourself up to a brand-new culture and way of thinking by learning a new language. There are apps you can download on your phone, like the super popular Duo Lingo app, to teach you a new language at a conversational level. There are also plenty of online resources and tutorials to guide you, even on YouTube. Alternatively, you can find conversation partners online to help you learn and practice your newfound language skills.

Watch international films 

Don’t limit yourself to just the big and popular box office hits to keep entertained. Explore foreign films to immerse yourself in new cultures, and learn the history of countries from around the world. You can find international films on most streaming services and on YouTube. Don’t be put off by another language – following subtitles may take a bit of getting used to, but you’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll adjust and become engrossed in the film. If you’re really struggling with the subtitles, some streaming services will offer films dubbed in English or your home language. 

Travel the world through music 

We like to think of music as a universal language that speaks to the soul, even if the words themselves aren’t in your mother tongue. Think about how French music can transport you to a bistro in Paris, or how Jamaican jams just make you visualize being on a sun-drenched beach with a cocktail in hand. Explore music from different countries (you can find top hits on Apple Music from each country) or attend concerts and festivals that feature international artists. 

Read a travel blog 

If you can’t physically travel to new exotic destinations yourself, the next best thing is living vicariously through someone who can! And we’re not talking about the braggy posts from that girl you knew in high school – we’re talking about subscribing to the blogs of real travel bloggers who can paint a realistic picture of their experiences and the location. 

Take virtual museum tours 

Nowadays, thanks to modern technology, museums and galleries across the world offer virtual tours that let you explore their incredible artefacts and history from the comfort of your home. Even world-renowned museums such as the Louvre in France offer online tours – so, yes, you can see the iconic Mona Lisa virtually! If you visit the Google Arts & Culture website, you’ll find various virtual tours of museums from all over the world. This can give you a true taste of the culture and history of a country, and hopefully one day, you’ll be able to experience it in person! 

Connect with people from other cultures

It’s easy to fall into the familiar rut by being friends with those people you grew up with or went to school with. But, if you want to expand your horizons and perspectives, you should try make friends with people from different countries and cultures. You encounter these people in all kinds of ways as an adult – at the gym, your art class or your office. Make an effort to get to know them, their world view, their home country – you might be surprised just how much you can learn from them! 


See? There’s no need to feel blue if you can’t travel the world physically right now – a virtual exploration can keep the travel bug at bay while you save up to make a real trip happen. So, put yourself out there and learn more about what the world has to offer you. You might just find yourself falling in love with a culture you started off knowing very little about!

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Also, if you want to start a blog...I CAN HELP YOU!

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2) Travel the world
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