Wedding Ring Etiquette: Who Should Pay for the Rings and When to Wear Them

Traditional and modern approaches coexist in the world of engagement rings and wedding bands. Everything from the design to the style to how the rings are worn is open to individual preferences. And, as more couples plan their weddings on a budget, there may be some confusion regarding the bands themselves. 

Here, we explain what is “traditional” regarding who pays for wedding rings and what modern couples do. You do have options, so choose what is best for you. And once you’ve determined who is footing the bill, you can decide where to get the ring and other traditions.

Who buys the Wedding Bands?

According to tradition, each individual pays for the other person’s ring. In a traditional wedding, the groom or his family would pay for the bride’s ring, while the bride or her family would pay for the groom’s. 

However, modern understandings of this process and couple interactions have broadened to include various scenarios. Every couple’s approach to purchasing wedding bands might differ, but it should all begin with open conversation. 

A wedding is generally the first major financial commitment a couple makes together, especially with no family support. Being honest about your expectations, likes, and dislikes will go a long way toward making this a pleasant experience.

If one person purchased the engagement ring, which is normally a larger expenditure, the other person may pay for each wedding band. 

Alternately, sharing the cost evenly or creating a joint bridal bank account into which each person may contribute and spend might be highly beneficial ways to approach buying wedding bands as a pair. 

When should you wear your rings?

Wedding rings are typically exchanged during the wedding ceremony, usually after the couple has exchanged vows. 

Following the ceremony, it is normal for the bride and groom to wear their wedding rings at all times, except where doing so would be impractical or unsafe, such as during specific activities or when working with heavy machinery.

However, if you’re a man that does hands-on jobs or operates industrial machinery, opting for tungsten Mens Wedding Bands proves to be a wise and practical choice. Tungsten, renowned for its remarkable durability, can withstand the rigors of constant daily usage. It’s an ideal material for men in physically demanding professions.

The wedding ring is a sign of love and devotion for many couples, and wearing it is a continual reminder of their vows and the link they share. Some couples may even have their wedding rings engraved with specific phrases or symbols that are meaningful to them.

Who picks out the wedding ring?

Traditionally, the proposer selects the engagement ring, which is often a surprise for the person being proposed to. WHen I had my wedding in Chiang Mai, I did this. Most times, this ring has a diamond or other expensive stone set in a gold, silver, or platinum band.

On the other hand, wedding bands are often chosen by the couple together. This is because the wedding rings symbolize the commitment made by the two partners, and both individuals must vote in the choices. 

Choosing wedding rings as a couple can be a pleasant and exciting process. It allows the bride and groom to exhibit their style and tastes while also selecting a sign of their love and commitment. 

Couples can experiment with numerous styles, metals, and finishes to find the perfect ring for them. There are numerous reliable websites for couples interested in unique mens wedding rings online.

Do you need a wedding ring in addition to your engagement ring?

Tradition holds that a separate wedding and engagement ring is required, but it actually comes down to individual taste. An all-in-one ring may be a better choice for someone who appreciates minimalism or simply does not like wearing jewelry.

There is no need to decide whether you want or need one right immediately since the wedding band is customarily exchanged during the ceremony. Also, choosing wedding bands as a newly engaged couple may be a delightful bonding exercise since the engagement ring is sometimes a surprise.

When should you pick out wedding rings?

Choosing wedding rings is a crucial aspect of the wedding planning process, so give yourself plenty of time to discover the appropriate rings for you and your partner. 

When to buy wedding rings will be determined by various criteria, including your wedding date, money, and personal tastes.

It is advised that you begin looking for wedding bands at least three to four months before your wedding date. This will allow you to experiment with numerous styles, metals, and finishes and time for any desired alterations or engravings. 

If you are getting custom rings, you should allow yourself more time because these might take many weeks or months to complete.

When considering wedding rings, evaluating how much you’re willing to spend is also important. Setting a budget early on will assist you in narrowing your options and avoiding overspending. 

When buying rings with diamonds or other precious stones, examine the quality and size of the stones, as this can greatly affect the price.

Your preferences will also influence when you select your wedding rings. Some couples choose to select their rings early in the planning process, while others may prefer to make a final decision closer to the wedding date. Ensure you select a timeline that works best for you.

Should the wedding and engagement rings match?

The decision to match the wedding and engagement rings is purely subjective and is based on personal preferences. There are no right or wrong answers; it all boils down to what the pair is most comfortable and happy with.

Matching wedding and engagement rings can help to create a unified and harmonious appearance. Rings that complement one another in terms of style, metal color, or design can be visually pleasing. 

Matching rings can represent the oneness and continuance of a partnership through the engagement and marriage stages.

However, remember that matching rings are not required. Many couples choose non-matching rings that reflect their different personalities and interests. Some people may prefer a more distinct and unique appearance, opting for rings that differ in style, metal, or stone settings.

How much should you spend on a wedding ring?

According to Business Wire, almost half of all American men and women anticipate spending $1,000 to $5,000 on an engagement diamond.

While there is no hard and fast rule, here are some things to think about to help you decide.

First, Examine your whole wedding budget and set aside a decent amount for the rings. You should be practical and not spend more than you can comfortably afford.

Remember that a wedding band is designed to be worn for a lifetime. Consider purchasing a long-lasting, timeless design that will stand the test of time. Instead of focusing simply on the current price, consider the quality and craftsmanship that will ensure durability.

Finally, do not be so carried away by the glamor of the wedding ring that you forget that you need money for other expenses, including planning your honeymoon or your choice of place.


When it comes to wedding ring etiquette, keep in mind that customs and expectations differ between countries and individuals. While there may not be a universally acceptable response, the couple must negotiate these issues based on open conversation and mutual understanding. 

Rather than getting caught up in inflexible rituals or financial commitments, the goal is to focus on the meaning and symbolism underlying the rings. What is important is the love, commitment, and shared ideals that the rings signify, regardless of whether the couple decides to split the cost of the rings, have one partner cover the bill, or find alternate solutions. 

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