After recapping my 2017, my travels to 17 countries, finishing every country in the world, making $200k+ online, I want to crystalize my plans for 2018, stay focused and move onto bigger and better things. New Year’s Resolutions/new goals, whatever it is people call it, I find it hugely important to write down your plans, make a note of them, refer back to them when you’re feeling low and understand the path you’ve chosen.

So, yes, every country in the world done. But this is no time to sit back and rest on my laurels. More goals to set, more of the world to see, more projects to work on. So let’s have a look what I hope to do in 2018…
I had planned a quieter year in my mind for 2018, turns out that was never going to be the case, so bear with me because the next few months are going to be intense!
JANUARY: Tomorrow I fly to Bangkok, 3 nights in Thailand then….
VIETNAM! Ho Chi Minh and Phu Quoc, I’m taking my mum to her 46th country for a week. Then….
JAPAN! Flying from Vietnam to go and find the snow monkeys in Japan, then off to Niseko with SkiJapan.com for my first ever ski experience, I really can’t wait. Then 4 nights in Tokyo and Fuji. Then…

FEBRUARY: Fly back to Bangkok and continue training for my marathon in April, until…
QATAR! I’m going to Doha, Qatar for a week in late February for the InFLOW summit conference (the same one I spoke at in Istanbul in December), and to see an old friend. And fly back to Thailand.

MARCH: Thailand for more marathon training, then..
INDIA! On March 19th we’re off to upgrade a poor school in India on our next GiveBackGiveAway.com project. We’ll be taking kids out for their first ‘day out’, a big party, installing and upgrading the classrooms and backpacking across India – Delhi, Jodhpur, Jaipur, Agra. There are still 5 spots available on the trip, let me know if you want to come and join!

APRIL: The givebackgiveaway India trip (read all about it in that link if you want to come!) finishes up on 2nd April. The very same night I fly to…
SVALBARD, NORWAY! I’m off to the Arctic circle again, to an island I’ve always dreamed of. I’ll be snowmobiling across the island on a safari with Basecamp explorers, it’s going to be epic, and I’m dreaming of seeing polar bears in the wild! Until I fly to…
NORTH POLE! I’ll be doing the North Pole Marathon on April 9th, literally on the North Pole! I’ve never done a marathon before, so I’m pretty scared, I don’t have any gear, have little experience of -30 degree weather but it’s a goal of mine to visit the North Pole and to do a marathon, so let’s do them both at the same time. From there I fly to….
THAILAND! Just for 4 or 5 days ‘home’ in Bangkok, getting the GiveBackGiveAway in order for our next charity project in…

MAY: Our Philippines trip finishes up on May 5th, so I’ll fly back to Bangkok for a week to recover from the trip and then…
GEORGIA & ABKHAZIA! I’ll fly to Tblisi and onwards to connect to Abkhazia, which isn’t one of the 197 countries, but it could be argued that it is a country. It’s supposed to be beautiful, and a place I’ve always wanted to visit. Cannot wait, working on the visa at the moment. Then I’ll fly to..
UNITED KINGDOM! Time to hit up the Russian embassy and get my visa to Russia, while that visa is processing, I’m hopefully doing the 3 PEAKS CHALLENGE in the UK, and then I’m flying to…
GREENLAND! Another dream come true, as I fly to Greenland, back to the Arctic circle! It belongs to Denmark, but it’s kinda it’s own country too, and it’s HUGE! So it’s about time I paid it a visit. From here I’ll fly back to Copenhagen…

JUNE: From Copenhagen, I’ll connect to…
FAROE ISLANDS! The first week of June I’m off to another ‘kinda country/kinda not’ with the beautiful Faroe Islands. Mark my words, the Faroe Islands will become one of THE destinations to visit in the next few years. Iceland, but you have the place to yourself. I CANNOT wait for this. Flying back to Copenhagen, I’ll then fly to the Caucasus, to…
RUSSIA & CLIMBING MOUNT ELBRUS! Mid June I’ll make it the southern Russian border with Georgia to climb Europes tallest mountain, Mount Elbrus (all 5,642m of it!), it’s one of the 7 summits, the tallest mountain on each continent, and it’ll be my second of the 7 summits after Kilimanjaro, exciting, it should take about 8 days. After that, a few beers, and then to…
SOUTH OSSETIA! The last week of June I’ll be visiting another ‘country’ that’s arguable if it’s a country or not. The visa is super tricky but I’m working on it, fingers cross it’ll work out. Oh and maybe a conference in Brussels, Belgium in June too.

JULY: After that I’ll hopefully fly to Moscow for the…
WORLD CUP FINAL IN MOSCOW! Where a friend of mine is confident he has a ticket for me. I hope that works out too. That takes me up to mid-July. Phew. From here I need to recover, so my plans get a little hazy, although I’m pretty sure I’m going to fly to…
GREECE! Relax time. Athens, Crete, Santorini. That’s the vague idea. Then back to Ireland? Or Italy?

AUGUST: I’ll probably fly back to Ireland for a week to recharge and organise things for….
NICARAGUA! August 12th – August 25th we’re running our Nicaragua GiveBackGiveAway trip. More charity, more backpacking, more epic fun. Read about it here and come join me! Josh, my cofounder, and I will then probably overland to Costa Rica for a bit of fun and then fly to Nairobi in….

KENYA & TANZANIA! September 9th – September 21st we’re back to Africa where the GiveBackGiveAway began. But this time we’re building playgrounds in Tanzania. From there we’ll go on a safari, then overland across Tanzania to spend 5 days in paradise on Zanzibar islands! You can book your spot here too. After we finish up in Zanzibar, we’ll either climb Kilimanjaro with anyone on the group who wants to, and then head back to Nairobi, Kenya. And then possibly fly to Germany for Oktoberfest!

OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER: A BREAK?! Possibly, I’ll probably go back to Thailand and recover from that manic 9 months! It’ll be time to get fit again, focus on business, properties, investment. I’m sure I can find something epic to do during that last quarter too. I heard about a marathon and 10km race in Addis Ababa that I may take my mum to! Let’s see. Any ideas for me guys?
That would mean my 2018 travel plans look roughly like:
- Ireland,
- UK,
- Thailand,
- Vietnam,
- Japan,
- Qatar,
- India,
- Norway,
- North Pole,
- the Philippines,
- Georgia,
- Abkhazia,
- Denmark,
- Greenland,
- Faroe Islands,
- Russia,
- South Ossetia,
- Greece,
- Italy,
- Nicaragua,
- Tanzania,
- Kenya
It’s hopefully going to be a big year for business. OneStep4Ward.com is about to get real! I’ll be releasing my course showing you guys how to follow my lead, make money online, travel for free and live the dream. That will be a game changer I hope! Make sure to sign up to my mailing list to keep up to date with all that. The course, as I said, will be priced between $999 and $1999. Super cheap considering it will literally change your life. Follow it and you’ll be able to work as an English teacher in Asia within a month or 2, while you set up your blog. Then you’ll be able to travel for free and make money while you set up a little digital media biz, and then you’ll be making tax-free money as you travel (or not travel) indefinitely. I can’t wait to report on the first person to make $100k from this.
Media companies – both my step4wardmedia.com and my other SEO biz will tick over and hopefully grow, as long as Google doesn’t come and ruin everything! I hope this should generate $200k. It’s tough to know, it could be less considering how much I will be traveling.
Investments – I won’t be adding to any investments apart from cryptocurrency, I hope to increase my portfolio by at least $100k during 2018.
Properties – I’ll continue to rent out my 2 London properties, but I probably won’t rent out my Bangkok place, unless it’s to friends. I love knowing it’s there waiting for me.
Let’s see. It’s my goal to get my mum to 50 countries. She’ll be 69 this year, and we’ve managed to get her to 45, which will be 46 and 47 this month with Vietnam and Japan. Maybe a weekend in Singapore/Laos could be 48! 50 possible this year? Who knows.
Me? I’m dreaming of staying fit and healthy despite all the travel. This year, I hope and plan, will be the year I learn to stay in shape on the road! 80kgs, 15% body fat, capable of running a half-marathon at any time, veggie-tranistion-to-vegan diet. That’s the plan!
So it’s going to be a busy year. 20+ countries, 4 charity projects, North Pole marathon, climbing Mount Elbrus, a World Cup Final, hopefully sticking to my ‘minimum of $100k+ increased net worth per year’ rule. And hoping to stay fit and healthy. Eeek. I’d love to know your plans guys, so comment below or on my social media please!
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