I’d like to share a personal story about setting targets and believing in your ability, something I’ve learned along my journey from broke backpacker to not-so-broke backpacker.

A few years ago I was traveling across China and a friend of mine told me he was sure he would make $1 million in one year in the course of the next 5 years or so. My initial reaction was one of surprise, then of disbelief soon followed by inner utterances declaring his arrogance “How dare he think he’s amazing enough to earn $1m in one year, I could never do that, how the hell can he?”. I certainly didn’t believe.
Although I didn’t voice my negativity, those were a**hole thoughts of mine and I regret them so here is my apology – sorry buddy, cos whether you did it or not, you were right to believe it. My reaction then, however uncool, is unfortunately not unique. But times have changed, self-reflection has taught me a lesson or two and I’ll never take that attitude again.
Once certain people hear your aspirations it reflects upon them, and their aspirations. Youthful promise becomes irrelevant if you’re underachieving. I was scared that the ‘potential’ people used to talk about about me having was disappearing… mid-twenties, no career, no direction, no money. I was traveling, and loving life I don’t deny that. Living for the moment is something I advocate highly, but we need to be moving forward with purpose. Not just drifting. My friend’s $1m goal was so strong, but mine had all but disappeared. I needed to put some targets in my sight. Thanks for the wake up call mate. Now I hope this can be the call for any of my readers who need it..
We’re not 16 years old anymore, potential doesn’t exist now. It’s only what we do that counts.
So I pondered a little, then a little more. I knew what I wanted from life, so I stopped hiding from it. It was scary actually. To admit what we want risks highlighting what we don’t have.
I wanted to be free – free from ‘working hours’, free from having a boss, free to make my decisions based on what I wanna do. But I also wanted to be free to choose to fly to Brazil tomorrow, then back home to Ireland to see my mum, my friends and family. I want to learn to fly a plane, climb Everest, own properties on each continent. I want to be able to have my friends around and waste time playing playstation while I recoup from my latest trip. I want to fly my girlfriend to the Maldives for our anniversary and give my niece the presents that I didn’t have growing up. I want to make a difference in many people’s lives, I wanna create an awesome product. I want people to think I’ve lived up to my potential. The first half of these goals are romantic, beautiful, and they don’t cost much. The second half cost money. That’s the cold, hard truth. I knew what I wanted, so I had to go and get it.

So I set myself targets:
1) Stay free, visit 50 countries around the world
2) Start a business – and aim for $1, 000 USD per month online
3) Hire my first employees, be a good boss.
Within 18 months I achieved those. It all stemmed from that conversation in China, and the disappointment I had in myself. My mindset changed, I wrote down my targets and strived to achieve my goals, and I genuinely believed I would achieve them. I had the belief now, time to set new targets.

So I set new targets:
1) Stay free, visit 100 countries before you’re 30
2) Make $10, 000 in one month online
Within 12 months it became apparent that the 100 countries would definitely be done, I was on around 90 with 18 months to spare. I cracked my first 5 figure month online. Time to re-evaluate. I started some more online stuff, read about what other people were doing, how they were creating better lifestyles for themselves. I believed I could do it, so I set a higher target:
1) Buy an apartment in Thailand in cash, be mortgage free before 30
2) Clear a quarter of a million dollars online in 2013

It’s August now, and I’ve already achieved both of these goals. My belief system has shot through the roof now. I’m traveling through Central Asia for the rest of the year, so business will take a backseat. I’m setting my targets for 2014 very soon, but it’s going to be along the lines of between half a million and $1m US dollars online, staying free and visiting at least 20 more countries, more security for my mum and to diversify my income streams further still, partly through an awesome new project I’m partnering up on in Hong Kong, dealing with private tutors in Hong Kong

I hope you don’t skim read this and click back to facebook. At least not instantly. Take a second, crystallize what it is YOU want from life. Write down your targets, be bold. Then believe, truly believe that your capable of achieving them.
One thing’s for certain though, next time a friend tells me their goals however fantastic they sound. I’ll be right beside them, believing it together.
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