8 Reasons Why You Have to Work and Travel in the USA

The land of freedom and democracy, one of the most populous and developed countries worldwide, the United States has captivated people with its American dream idea for decades (centuries, actually, but that is a topic for a whole new article). But how attainable is the American dream in real life? While no one can figure out the exact odds for you, one thing is certain — America is truly a dream destination for travel and work. Here are the top eight reasons to consider working and living in the US that will appeal to practically anyone on this planet. 

It’s an all-inclusive community

The USA is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities, not to mention a major tourist destination. It’s a welcoming community, so no matter where you come from, you should not feel excluded or alienated there. In fact, many people explore options like giving birth in the USA on a tourist visa to ensure their children are born into this land of opportunity. There are few places in the world where newcomers from different countries and cultures feel as at home as they do in the United States. It really does not matter how long you intend to stay, you can always count on some quality time in the US’s accepting and tolerant community. 

Lots of high-skilled jobs are available 

Historically, the USA has been built by immigrants, and the trend to hire qualified experts from different countries worldwide is still relevant in the US. This country is not the only destination that makes high demand careers available to foreigners, of course. Still, foreign citizens applying for high-skilled jobs in the US have higher chances of getting a work visa than in most other countries. 

Here, the trick is the experience and the skill set, of course. There is a specific clause in US immigration laws that allows companies to hire foreigners if no local talent can fill their professional gaps. But to qualify for such an in-demand position, you obviously need to be a unique expert in a narrow professional field. 

Each state is a unique travel destination

The US is a huge and diverse country, where each state is a small country of its own. Big cities, traditionally, have the best employment opportunities. So, if you would like to do more than see this country’s major sights, check out research by SignalHire of the best cities for jobs in the US. Depending on which state and city appeal most to you, there are plenty of career opportunities to consider. But even as you get settled in one US city, this country’s well-developed infrastructure allows for quick and easy travel during your days off. And with 50+ different states to explore, you will certainly have a lot of unique destinations on your to-do list. 

Work-life balance is some of the best worldwide 

Expats have been steadily ranking the US as the top country with reasonably balanced work-life quality. It’s true that over the last few years, those rankings have somewhat decreased, with New Zealand and Taiwan taking the lead. However, the land of the free is not giving up its positions so easily, and plenty of ex-pats who made a home there still report high levels of overall work satisfaction and life quality. And, since we are already on the subject of life quality, let’s check out a few non-professional reasons to consider living in the USA.

Making new friends is easier than anywhere 

Americans are open, friendly people who welcome new acquaintances easily. Besides, in a country where immigration is so common, you get a chance to make friends with people of various origins coming from all sorts of different places. This applies not only to tourists but to more or less regular residents. So even if you are on a short travel trip, the odds of making tons of new friends are quite high. And the best part — many of these new connections will remain friends for life. 

Culinary culture is over the top

There are few countries so obsessed with culinary as the US. And while most other countries emphasize their national cuisine, the United States of America has it all. All major cities have tons of venues that offer any international cuisine you have the taste buds for — from well-known ones, like Italian and Mexican, to less common examples, like Moroccan and Polish. The street food culture is also quite impressive, so if you like trying local dishes any time you visit a new country, the US will offer you something coming from every corner of the world. 

Smiling comes naturally to anyone in the US

When you visit the US, you will easily understand why the perfect American smile earns local dentists a load of money. People smile here. All the time. This is probably the most smile-generous country worldwide and also one of the top reasons why Americans make new friends so easily. They smile contagiously and get plenty of smiles in return! After a few weeks in this country, you will not be able to stop, too! 

Plenty of opportunities to stay if you love it! 

Most importantly, of all the countries in north america, the United States has plenty of long-stay possibilities for people determined to make this country their home. This is truly the land of opportunity, and even though for some, the American dream of a self-made person would be harder to attain than for others, the US is still a welcoming environment for anyone who is not afraid of a challenge. This country accepts talented, hard-working people — it’s practically a national idea in the States. True enough, the US may not prove to everyone’s liking, but if you come to love this country, there is a good chance you’ll find a way to build a happy, fulfilling life there — both personally and professionally. 

This, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg. In practice, the USA has plenty of other exciting opportunities for visiting. There are more strictly individual reasons to explore this country and even more potential motives to consider permanent residence in the USA. Of course, the US, like any other country, has its flaws and issues, but this does not stop millions of people from falling in love with this amazing land!  

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