Reconnecting with Home: How Northern Irish Connections Helped Me Rediscover My Northern Irish Roots

I left Northern Ireland at 18 years old. A lifetime ago. I recently turned 40 and the older I get, the more in touch I feel with my roots. What formed me. Over the last 20 years, I’ve been roaming the globe, becoming the first irish person to visit every country in the world, then on to climbing mountains, and now running some of the hardest ultramarathons in the world. All the while, setting up with a new life in Thailand. But I’m still drawn ‘home’. And every year it grows stronger. That’s what Northern Irish connections is all about. Connecting the NI diaspora, harnessing it. And it’s brilliant.

Kilkeel High School
Back at my highschool

The pull to go home

Over the last few years, something unexpected happened: I felt the pull to go home more often. After all the years of adventuring, my journey brought me back to where it all started—Northern Ireland. And believe me, it’s not the same place I left, nor am I the same person who left.

Northern Ireland shaped who I am. The people, the culture, the sense of community. It all formed the foundation for the adventures that followed. And while I’ve been fortunate to call the world my playground, my recent trip back home made me realize just how deep my Northern Irish roots run.

One thing that’s helped me in this journey of rediscovery is NI Connections. It’s a platform that I think every Northern Irish expat, or anyone with an affinity for Northern Ireland, should know about. If you’re like me and have been away for years, or even if you just have a passing connection to Northern Ireland, NI Connections is the key to staying in touch with home, no matter where your travels take you.

Belfast northern ireland
Belfast nights

Coming Home After 10 Years

The last time I set foot on Northern Irish soil before this year was almost a decade ago. Those 10 years have been filled with wild adventures, expeditions to the North and South Poles, even the summit of Everest. Life on the road consumed me in the best way possible, but home had taken a backseat. It wasn’t until I began to feel the pull of my roots that I decided it was time to go back.

I won’t lie, going back home after so long was a bit surreal. Northern Ireland is different now. I was born in the 80s and times were tough. Religious divides. Financial struggles, both on a personal level and a national level. But now?

t’s vibrant, growing, and evolving in ways I hadn’t imagined. But what struck me most wasn’t just how much Northern Ireland had changed, but how much I had changed, too. I saw everything through a new lens. The small things I had taken for granted before—like the friendly banter in the local pub, the stunning landscape that was right outside my door, and the deep sense of community—now seemed more important than ever.

Northern Ireland shaped me, but I needed to leave and come back to fully appreciate it. As a younger man, I couldn’t wait to explore what was beyond its borders. Now, as I get older, I’ve come to realize that no matter how far I roam, Northern Ireland will always be home. And platforms like NI Connections are helping me reconnect with what I once left behind.

Kilkeel house
I walked up and down past the house I grew up in 5 or 6 times. Nostalgia through the roof.

Why NI Connections Matters for Expats Like Me

Being away from Northern Ireland for so long meant that I wasn’t just out of touch with friends and family. I had lost touch with what was happening back home. But when I discovered NI Connections, everything changed. The platform is designed for people like me – Northern Irish expats, people with NI heritage, or those who simply love the place. It brings together the global Northern Irish community, keeping us connected to home no matter where in the world we find ourselves.

When I was away, I didn’t realize how important it was to stay informed about what was happening back home. But through NI Connections, I’ve been able to read stories about Northern Irish people making waves across the globe, keep up with local events and news, and even explore the idea of investing back home—more on that in a bit.

I’ve met so many amazing people on my travels, many WITH ties to Northern Ireland. Whether it’s through their family or a personal connection, there’s something about the Northern Irish culture that resonates with people worldwide. Platforms like NI Connections allow us to harness that global network and bring it together in one place, sharing stories, resources, and opportunities that can benefit everyone.

Titanic Museum
Titanic Museum, Belfast

Northern Ireland Economy and a Place to Invest

Northern Ireland has so much going for it now. The economy is growing, tourism is booming, and the quality of life is exceptional. I’m thinking about getting a holiday home there now. To make sure my future kids feel their bloodline.

And the best part? You can still find affordable properties in stunning locations. I’m thinking of something near the coast—after all, nothing beats those Northern Irish seaside views.

NI Connections also highlights the amazing entrepreneurial spirit that so many Northern Irish people carry with them wherever they go. The platform showcases individuals who are making a difference in their respective fields, no matter where in the world they are. It’s inspiring, and it makes me proud to see how Northern Irish people are contributing to global success while staying connected to their roots.

Why Northern Irish Culture Means More to Me Now

As I’ve gotten older, something about Northern Irish culture has clicked for me in a way it never did when I was younger. When you’re growing up, you don’t necessarily appreciate the subtleties of your own culture. But now, I see how unique and valuable our way of life really is.

It’s the warmth of the people, the way we can laugh at ourselves, and the strong sense of identity and pride that come from such a small place. Northern Ireland has a rich history, but it’s the people that make it what it is. There’s a resilience and a toughness, but also a kindness that you don’t find everywhere.

Being away has made me appreciate it more than ever. The things I used to overlook—like the way people go out of their way to help you, or how there’s always a good story to be told in the local pub—are now the things I value the most.

My Trip Home

For me, I’m based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I love an airmile deal, so I played with the flights and flew to Dublin with Etihad using miles, and then planned my 5 nights in Northern Ireland like this:

DAY 1: Arrive in Kilkeel, my home town, and overnight in the Kilmorey Arms Hotel

DAY 2: Kilkeel all day, including a visit to my old Kilkeel High School. As well as a lovely run around the town, soaking up the Mourne Mountains and their views. And a few beers with old friends that night.

DAY 3: Bus to Newcastle, to tackle Slieve Donard. Northern Ireland’s highest mountain. And then a walk around the seaside town of Newcastle.

DAY 4: Early start for round 2 of Slieve Donard, then drive to Belfast. Visit an old friend.

DAY 5: Full day in Norn Iron’s capital. Belfast. City Hall, Titanic Museum and one last night on the sauce in Belfast.

DAY 6: Belfast airport, and back to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Climbing Slieve Donard
Climbing Slieve Donard

Thoughts on my trip

Coming back, as a 40 year old man. Life has changed. No longer counting the pennies. No longer looking at the world outside NI, wondering how life will pan out. It’s all worked out OK. So to be able to wander around our wee country, to appreciate the gifts it gave me, to allow me to achieve the successes I have. It was a blessing.

And to catch up with people after a decade or more was beautiful. I know it’s fashionable for people to talk about places like Thailand, or Fiji, etc, holiday destinations,. and disuss how ‘friendly’ people are. But Northern Ireland, and the island of ireland, could rival them all.

And so it was time to go home. Sad to leave, but with a renewed appreciation of the place. And a strong desire to have some more connections there. Perhaps, as I said, a holiday home.

Final Thoughts: Why You Should Get Involved with NI Connections

If you’re Northern Irish, have Northern Irish roots, or just love the place, NI Connections is something you should be a part of. It’s a platform that connects us all, no matter where in the world we are. It helps us stay in touch with home, celebrate our shared culture, and even explore new opportunities—whether that’s investing in Northern Ireland, reconnecting with old friends, or discovering new ways to contribute to the country’s future.

For me, Northern Ireland is no longer just the place I left behind. It’s the place I’m coming back to, both physically and emotionally.

So if you’re like me, and you’ve spent years away from Northern Ireland, I encourage you to check out NI Connections. It’s a gateway to everything you’ve been missing, and a reminder that no matter how far you travel, home will always be waiting.


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