My momondo review, the best flight comparion site?
What is momondo? Booking flights on the internet is easier now than ever, but only if you know where to look and with everyone recommending a different platform it can still get a bit confusing. I’m pretty sure 99% of us now use a flight search engine to find the cheapest/fastest/best route between your origin and destination. When I first started finding cheap flights online everyone seemed to be using expedia, then kayak, then skyscanner, then finally about 5 years ago well-traveleded friend of mine told me about, since then I literally almost never use anything else. So read on the check out my indepth momondo review.
momondo does the same job as skyscanner or expedia, just slightly better, slight cheaper and slight more user friendly. It’s a flight comparison site, used mostly for finding cheap flights but also really useful for finding hotels and car rentals too. It’s always my first step when I’m looking for flights online. In my momondo review, I wanna run through why I think it’s the best for you guys….

This is the number 1 reason why I prefer it to it’s more famous competitors. First of all, it’s simple, colourful and easy to use. The homepage gives you a simple choice where you put in your origin, your destination and your date, then hit search. It’s doesn’t get more userfriendly than that!

Ok, so then all your various options will pop-up. Again, momondo is better than other flight comparison sites for a few reasons:
- You can mix and match nearby airports in connections, so it may connect you into the same city, but you have the change airports in the city. Sure, that can be a headache but if it saves you $1,000USD it’s well worth it! Also, if you don’t want that option, you can remove it from the search. Awesome.
- It includes nearly all low budget airlines where other websites don’t. You know those cheap, domestic (crap but ridiculously good value) airlines in countries like Thailand or Mexico, momondo searches for those too. Brilliant.
- Nearby airports. You might not know Bangkok has 2 airports for example, just 20km apart, one is cheaper than the other. Select ‘include nearby airports’ and momondo automatically includes that airport too, often saving you a fortune.
- Cheapest/Quickest/Best. On the seach results (screenshot above) you can instantly search for the most appropriate option for you. For me, I used to automatically click on ‘cheapest’ and no matter how uncomfortable the connections were, long layovers etc, I’d always use the cheapest! My sister‘s nature would always be to choose the quickest (often the most expensive!), which is understandable when traveling with toddlers. Now, my online businesses are doing ok, I go to the ‘Best’ tab and choose that – it’s more of a compromise between ridiculously expensive and ridiculously direct, giving you a solid choice – not the cheapest, but also not travel torture.
- Filters. If you’re collecting airmiles, you can choose only OneWorld or Star Alliance airlines from the filter, that’s pretty cool. And then of course you can choose departure time windows of your choosing (leave between 9am and 9pm for example) and arriving windows (arrive only in the morning etc), which is really helpful too.
The momondo app is an absolute winner. I’m always booking flights (like ALWAYS), and even when I just want to check how much it may be for me to fly next week from Bangkok to Rio it literally takes all of about 45 seconds from picking up my phone, opening the app, and getting a price. That’s what I want, nothing complicated, just simple, plain, layed out nice results. Our momondo review couldn’t rate the app better, even when my iPhone is running low on photo space, I never deleted this bad boy.
Again they show you the Cheapest/Quickest/Best options so you can see what you’re getting yourself in for.
Is it safe?
momondo works like almost all flight comparison sites where you don’t book directly with the website itself. It searches all the hundreds of various booking sites online, ones that you’ve probably never heard of like JetRadar, BravoFly etc. This is where you save money!
Ok, so let’s look at our momondo review – so if you see the flight below, with Thai Airways, if you book directly with Thai Air the price is often 25% more expensive, but if you book with one of the suggestions here, you get the price stated below, saving you hundreds of dollars. The only thing to worry about is if the flight is cancelled then you have to chase your refund with the middlemen which is sometimes a little bit of a headache, and although they always end up paying you back, it can take longer. Still, in my eyes, I use these middle men every single time and have only ever had an issue once, and that was resolved on the spot in Seoul, South Korea. The rest of the hundred+ times, I saved thousands of dollars and never had a problem. Winner.

A new and awesome function for travelers is Trip Finder. Here you can choose your destination (if you live in London, New York, etc), say you have a budget of whatever you like, 490GBP for example, and then say you want to fly anywhere OR for any type of activity, and it will give you all your options. It’s AMAZING. And great if you’re suffering from wanderlust.
You can skip your Starbucks and friday night on the town for a month, scramable together $250 and then whack it into Trip Finder saying I’m in London, I have 200GBP and I will go ANYWHERE in March, then see where you can go, book it and you’re done. So cool. You can add some other info in if you want, like if you only want to fly to Asia or Africa, or if you want to go to a beach area, city or skiiing. It’s really awesome, check it out.

Hotels and Car Rental
As momondo gets bigger and more popular, they’ve added loads more features with both car rental and hotel searches available. I rarely rent cars so have personally never used it, but having browsed it a lot it seems equally as user friendly as every other function on momondo.
The hotels thing is great though. It has the same model as the flights comparison so you choose your dates, your city etc, then use all your filters then hit search. From here, momondo uses other engines like, expedia etc, searching all the cheapest prices, then you simply choose the cheapest one, perfect! This kind of thing makes you stop ever using the traditional hotel search engines, because it aggregates them all.
In terms of flight comparison sites, and travel comparison sites, is the only one I use, seriously, hence the glowing momondo review! I also have some other tricks for cheap flights, like my buddy who put me on friends and family rates for Emirates (thanks Mike!), and knowledge of some super cheap airlines that don’t feature on any flight search engines (like Nok Air in Thailand), so when I can use those, of course I do. But 99% of the time, I’m flying on random dates, one way from some obscure place to the next, and momondo is always the cheapest, fastest and easiest to use, so for me it’s always my first port of call. Check it out, give it and try and I’d love to get your feedback. Thanks guys, see you on the road!
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