traveling on mogadishu

Travel to Somalia; How I Traveled to Mogadishu

Travel to Somalia; How I Traveled to Mogadishu I’ll admit it, I was scared to travel to Somalia properly, and even back in 2010 during my overland trip from South Africa to Syria by public transport stint, when I had the chance to vis...
how to start a travel blog

How To Start A Travel Blog in 2024

How to Start a Travel Blog in 2024 (UPDATE: January 2024) How to Start a Travel Blog; A 5 Step Guide to How You Can Start a Travel Blog in Less Than 30 minutes… UPDATE FEBRUARY 10TH, 2024. Blogging changed my life, I we...

Lessons from turning 40

Lessons from turning 40 I turned 40 yesterday. And I do it with gratitude, with no negative attachments to getting older. Equally, I don’t have it all figured out, and mostly I make it up as I go along but it’s going ok for me s...

How I donated $300,000 Thanks to My Blog

How I donated $300,000 Thanks to My Blog The title may be a little ‘clickbaity’. Apologies. But I want to show people what’s possible when they take action. The $300,000 has been donated, raised and responsibility for buil...
Bali itinerary

Is Bali a Country?

Is Bali A Country? A City? An Island? What is it?! So, is Bali a country? NO. Bali is not a country. Bali is an island within the country of Indonesia. So, nope, Bali is NOT an independent country. The reason people often mistake Bali for b...
business class for free

UK OFFER: Business Class for FREE! British Airways American Express Card AIRMILES OFFER 42,000 AVIOS!

UK OFFER: Business Class for FREE! British Airways American Express Card AIRMILES OFFER 42,000 AVIOS! Business class for free. Sounds good right? It’s not a scam. I mentioned to you guys before, but depressingly in my 10 year 261 flig...

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