traveling on mogadishu

Travel to Somalia; How I Traveled to Mogadishu

Travel to Somalia; How I Traveled to Mogadishu I’ll admit it, I was scared to travel to Somalia properly, and even back in 2010 during my overland trip from South Africa to Syria by public transport stint, when I had the chance to vis...

MY 2023 YEAR END REVIEW; Money Made, Countries Visited, Life, Stresses and Family

MY 2023 YEAR END REVIEW; Money Made, Countries Visited, Life, Stresses and Family Another year in the locker. So time for another recap of my year. Each year, in January I write about my goals, plans and resolutions for the year ahead (you...

How I donated $300,000 Thanks to My Blog

How I donated $300,000 Thanks to My Blog The title may be a little ‘clickbaity’. Apologies. But I want to show people what’s possible when they take action. The $300,000 has been donated, raised and responsibility for buil...
business class for free

UK OFFER: Business Class for FREE! British Airways American Express Card AIRMILES OFFER 42,000 AVIOS!

UK OFFER: Business Class for FREE! British Airways American Express Card AIRMILES OFFER 42,000 AVIOS! Business class for free. Sounds good right? It’s not a scam. I mentioned to you guys before, but depressingly in my 10 year 261 flig...
Trans-Siberian Railyway

My Trans Siberian Railway Experience; 6 Crazy True Stories

My Trans Siberian Railway Experience; 6 Crazy True Stories Unless you’re armed with a mountain of organized paperwork (unlikely for me) Russia only grants 30-day visas. Considering the train itself takes about 7 solid days, it doesn’t...

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