Things to see in Hanoi

The Top 16 Things to See in Hanoi

The Top 16 Things to See in Hanoi If you’re traveling to Vietnam, Hanoi is often the first stop. People use it as a base to check out Halong Bay, and as the entry point as they check out Sapa, Nha Trang, Hue, Nim Binh, Ho Chi Minh, Da...
Belgrade Serbia

5 Things to see in Belgrade, Serbia

I had heard only good things about Serbia, and Belgrade in general, so I had big expectations. So did it meet expectations? Hmm, just about. Belgrade is cool, personally I preferred Sarajevo, but it’s still a fun place to hang out for a few...
Old Jaffa Tel Aviv

5 Things to Do in Tel Aviv

Staying at the very awesome HaYakorn 48 hostel, undoubtedly the best hostel in Tel Aviv, I was struggling to drag myself away from the beach. Everytime you leave the hostel’s doors, you’re face with fine sands beaches and the crystal clear...

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