America is not a country

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: I’m From America

Following up last  Tuesday’s Travel Rant about people from around the world assuming that they can go straight to their city when asked where there from, as opposed to their country, I thought I’d continue in that vein.   Where a...
hidden costs airlines

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Hidden F*cking Costs

I’m not even gonna rant (well, sort of not) – this is how the thought process of booking a budget airline goes: Wow, a flight from Ukraine to Poland for $20, that’s amazing. I’ve always wanted to go Poland. I’m booking that.   What? Wh...
hungover dog

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Hangovers in Dorms

Pounding headache, craving a pizza, wanna to snuggle up in your bed and shut the curtains – but it’s already 2pm. Why did I drink so much? Why did I do those shots? Where have my pants gone? Partying is part and parcel of the travel scene,...
blocking the elevator

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Elevator Etiquette

If you travel a fair bit, you’re gonna be in lifts all the time. 7th floor please, ground floor please. More often than not you’re gonna have your backpack strapped on, your mobility (and patience) is at an all-time low as your knackered an...

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