Asian Ketchup

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Asian Ketchup

As you guys know I love Asia, and I love my new ‘home’ Thailand – probably even more than my ‘old home’ Ireland, but nowhere is perfect. And although Thailand comes close, they’ve committed a cardinal sin and I’m not happy… So here you are,...
sweating when you travel

Tuesday Travel Rants: Sweating it Up

I remember being a little kid, watching movies of dudes out jogging, sweat patches on their back and under their arms, and I sat there thinking that’s pretty cool. It was manly, powerful, a show of strength. Wrong. Now I wish those patches...
broken flip flop

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Flip-flops breaking

As you guys know, I’m pretty much always on the road but that doesn’t mean I should have to buy new sandals every other week. Admittedly, 90% of the time I’m wearing my flipflops so they do go through a little bit of a battering, however su...
trans siberian cabin

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Late Trains and Buses

Pulling into Bangkok HuaLampong train station, on a night sleeper from Chiang Mai, 4 hours late for the third consecutive time – I finally had had enough, travel rant time. What I don’t get is why trains across the ‘developing world’ (I hat...

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