Right guys, for those of you have followed me back since the broke traveling days a few years ago you’ll know both my travels, and my online endeavours, have gone from strength to strength. I love sharing my trips with you both here and on my facebook fan page but I want my escapades to act as inspiration to you guys, not as a way for me to brag.
Making real money online, being free and traveling the world is something I always dreamed about, so much so that I just had to make it happen.
More and more people nowadays are telling me how lucky I am, how they wish they could do what I’m doing. Well, at the risk of sounding harsh – luck has nothing to do with it. I created the situation that allows me to do what I do, luckily for anyone else who’s dreaming of the same thing, you can too. But you gotta go out and get it.
With that in mind, I wanted to lay out 5 simple ways for you guys to get started making money online, and hopefully before we know it, we’ll be sharing beers on Copacabana beach!
1) Start a blog
Starting onestep4ward.com changed my life forever. So seriously guys, start a blog, and do it right now. And not one of these ‘whatever.blogspot.com’ or ‘imanamateur.wordpress.com’ things, spend $15 and buy the bloody domain. Order one less Dominos pizza and actually own your brand. Take it seriously and get blogging. Think about your niche – lifestyle design, travel, beauty, finance, lifestyle, fashion whatever, but get moving.
If you don’t know how to do the tech stuff, don’t let that hold you back. Obstacles are there to overcome, don’t be a loser. You can get a website knocked up for a few hundred bucks, this is step one to your new life, I think it’s more important than the new iPhone model, don’t you?
NOTE: If you really are stuck, my guys at step4wardmedia.com can do it for you, let me know
2) Quit your job, move to a digital hub and teach English
This is a bold one but along with starting my blog, this was the other one big catalyst for changing my life for the better. There are a few digital hubs in the world attracting young, upcoming, ambitious online peeps. Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Cebu, Manila, Bali, Medellin, Buenos Aries, Budapest, Prague. If you wanna make money online, real money, then move to one of these places and network. Make these guys your friends.
You have no money right? I didn’t either, teach English. Be broke, be excited, be adventurous. Earn $900 per month, live like the locals, learn a new language it’s f*cking awesome. And it’ll give you an opportunity to open doors for your next step.

3) Mentor
Find someone who is doing exactly what you wanna be doing, but be real. Is it being recognised from your blog what you truly want or would you prefer to make $100k online each month. I know which my choice is. So go after the person who is doing what you truly want. Then beg, borrow and steal for them to mentor you. If they can find time to email and skype with you, point you in the right direction etc, it’s worth more than any degree you have.
4) Intern
Are you into affiliate marketing, SEO, drop shipping, ebooks, info courses? Whatever way you wanna make the big bucks, offer your services for free to someone who is doing it. They almostly certainly won’t say no. That doesn’t mean a 2 second email, write a proposition stating what you can do for them. Keep your eyes on the prize.

5) Freelance
While your being mentored, teaching languages, networking, blogging and living in a new country try to make some extra cash online freelancing on elance or odesk. The best way to do this is copy writing, generic 500 word articles for roughly $10 a pop, it won’t make you rich but you’ll hone your blogging skills and more importantly you’ll have made your first $$ online. A huge part of this is the belief system, and this is a great first step. It’ll also help improve your quality of life, a few hundred extra dollars per month in a cheaper country to supplement a teaching income will be beautiful.
So yeah, you’re gonna be busy. But this is how I see it. Most corporate peeps dedicate decades to reach directorship levels, and the hope of $250k per year. Decades! All you have to do is dedicate 3 or 4 years and you can be at their level and beyond. Having money is always cool, but having it when you’re young – now that’s truly something special. Good luck peeps, and hopefully see you on the road.
Remember, never travel without travel insurance! And never overpay for travel insurance!
I use HeyMondo. You get INSTANT quotes. Super cheap, they actually pay out, AND they cover almost everywhere, where most insurance companies don't (even places like Central African Republic etc!). You can sign-up here. PS You even get 5% off if you use MY LINK! You can even sign up if you're already overseas and traveling, pretty cool.
Also, if you want to start a blog...I CAN HELP YOU!
Also, if you want to start a blog, and start to change your life, I'd love to help you! Email me on johnny@onestep4ward.com. In the meantime, check out my super easy blog post on how to start a travel blog in under 30 minutes, here! And if you just want to get cracking, use BlueHost at a discount, through me.
Also, (if you're like me, and awful with tech-stuff) email me and my team can get a blog up and running for you, designed and everything, for $699 - email johnny@onestep4ward.com to get started.
Do you work remotely? Are you a digital nomad/blogger etc? You need to be insured too.
I use SafetyWing for my digital nomad insurance. It covers me while I live overseas. It's just $10 a week, and it's amazing! No upfront fees, you just pay week by week, and you can sign up just for a week if you want, then switch it off and on whenever. You can read my review here, and you can sign-up here!