How Many Countries in Southeast Asia?

There are 11 countries in Southeast Asia. I already explained how many countries in Asia in this blog post (52 if you count Northern part of Iraq, Tibet etc). And on my personal trip to 197 countries, I figured out how many countries in the world!

When you start to break down the regions of the 7 continents, it can get a little confusing. For example, there are 23 countries in North America, right? But North America, as a continent, actually includes all the countries in the Caribbean (13 countries there). And it’s the same for Asia and Southeast Asia. Anyway, I love this kind of stuff, but let me get back to the issue. How many countries in South East Asia? 11 countries are in South East Asia..

2 days in Bangkok
Lumpini Park, Bangkok, Thailand

List of countries in Southeast Asia

  1. Cambodia
  2. Laos
  3. Myanmar (Burma)
  4. Malaysia
  5. Thailand
  6. Vietnam
  7. Brunei
  8. East Timor
  9. Indonesia
  10. Philippines
  11. Singapore
Temples in Bagan
Temples in Bagan, Myanmar

Southeast Asia Countries Map

countries in southeast asia map
countries in southeast asia map

What about Papua New Guinea? And Christmas Island etc?

There are a couple of places that almost squeeze into the list of countries in Southeast Asia, but not quite.

  • Papua New Guinea: An independent country, and one of the 197 countries in the world. PNG takes up half the island of New Guinea. The other half of that island belongs to Indonesia (which is considered a country within SE Asia). However, the island of New Guinea falls within the continent of Australia/Oceania/Australasia. Separated by the Sahul Shelf in terms of tectonic plates below the water. So PNG isn’t part of Southeast Asia, or Asia for that matter.
  • Andaman and Nicobar islands: Within the Southeast Asian area, but belongs to India, so therefore not a country.
  • Christmas Island: Within the Southeast Asian area, but belongs to Australia, so therefore not a country.
  • Cocos (Keeling) island: Within the Southeast Asian area, but belongs to Australia, so therefore not a country.
  • Guam: Sometimes considered within the Southeast Asian area, but belongs to the USA, so therefore not a country.
  • Palau: An independent country, and one of the 197 countries in the world. But it lies just outside what is considered Southeast Asia.
  • Borneo: Is Borneo a country? Nope, it’s the 3rd largest island in the world (after Greenland and New Guinea), but it belongs to 3 countries. Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.
countries in Southeast Asia?
countries in Southeast Asia? Me in Papua New Guinea (not in SEA!)

FAQs about “how many countries in South East Asia

  1. Which is the largest country in Southeast Asia by area and population?
    • Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia both by land area and population. It is an archipelago comprising thousands of islands and is home to over 270 million people, making it the fourth most populous country in the world.
  2. Are there any island nations in Southeast Asia?
    • Yes, several countries in Southeast Asia are island nations. These include Indonesia, the Philippines, East Timor, and Singapore. Indonesia and the Philippines, in particular, are made up of thousands of islands each.
  3. How do Southeast Asian countries compare in terms of economic development?
    • The economic development among Southeast Asian countries varies widely. Singapore is considered one of the most developed and prosperous countries not just in the region but globally, with a highly advanced economy and high per capita income. On the other hand, countries like Myanmar and Cambodia are among the less economically developed in the region, with economies that are growing but still face significant challenges. The region as a whole is known for its dynamic growth, with many countries experiencing rapid economic development and modernization.

Final thoughts on how many countries in Southeast Asia?

Normally when we talk about how many countries in Europe, South America, North America, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, and Australia, the answers are quite controversial. And they require a lot of political thought. But ‘how many countries in Southeast Asia’ is actually an easy question to answer. There are 11 countries in South East Asia. It’s definitive. Thankfully!

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