5 Things to See in Zurich

Prepare your wallets for some serious stretching, this place is pricey! If 70 euro ($90) for a return 70 minute train journey wasn’t enough, how about 2 euro ($3) for a can of coke in a grocery store?! Ouch. The alps talk your breath away e...

5 Things to See In 1 Day in Milan

Milan wasn’t on my itinerary, but I managed to rejig my Eurolines (LINK) ticket which allowed me to travel from Florence to Zurich for free, via Milan. This meant staying one night in Milan so I thought I’d check it out and see what it’s ab...
Florence Italy

Florence: 5 Things to See and Do

Prepare for some serious neck-ache. There isn’t a sight, street, statue or building that doesn’t want to make you look up in Florence. The city is truly mesmerizing, and is considered by many to be the jewel in Italy’s crown. Much like many...

The Five Best Sights in Bhutan

Bhutan is often referred to as the last Shangri La. Rooted deeply in religion and medieval tradition; it’s a place that steadfastly holds onto its unique culture and refuses to submit to the modern world. It’s hard to go wrong with sightsee...
Belgrade Serbia

5 Things to see in Belgrade, Serbia

I had heard only good things about Serbia, and Belgrade in general, so I had big expectations. So did it meet expectations? Hmm, just about. Belgrade is cool, personally I preferred Sarajevo, but it’s still a fun place to hang out for a few...
maktesh ramon

5 Places You HAVE to See in Israel

Israel blew my expectations out of the water, and traveling in Israel is something that I urge all backpackers to do. The people were super friendly, the food had me excited every meal time, the nightlife is banging, the beaches are beautif...
Old Jaffa Tel Aviv

5 Things to Do in Tel Aviv

Staying at the very awesome HaYakorn 48 hostel, undoubtedly the best hostel in Tel Aviv, I was struggling to drag myself away from the beach. Everytime you leave the hostel’s doors, you’re face with fine sands beaches and the crystal clear...

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