
Motivational Monday; Be Restless

  Restlessness (def): The inability to rest or relax as a result of boredom   Restlessness is a personality trait I actively encourage.  I’m a restless character and I’m proud of it. Restlessness is our brain letting us know that we can be...
you are not your job

Motivational Monday: You Are Not Your Job

“So what do you do?”     “Oh me, Im an accountant? I do spreadsheets and stuff”   “Great, how about you?”     “I sell office equipment”   So, that’s what “you do” is it? That’s your defining act? And it may well stay like that until yo...

Motivational Monday: Get YOUR Priorities in Order

It’s time for some hard, honest truths. Priorities, priorities, priorities – that’s what they always tell us about right? Do something wrong at school, uni, work – “You need to get your priorities straight”. Next time someone says it, look...
put the past away

Motivational Monday: Put the Past Away

It’s humbling to know that we’ve all made mistakes, hurt the people closest to us, wasted and spurned opportunities, made the wrong decisions. It’s part of what makes us human and what helps connects us together. We’re all in the same boat,...
the world is a Playground

Motivational Monday: The World Is A Playground

When we are kids, everything is an adventure, every thing is a game and our biggest concern is when we can next do something fun. Then we reach adulthood and it’s just supposed to end, just like that. I guess the official turning point is w...
Dream beach

Motivational Monday: Capitalism Gone Mad

When I was in the Philippines waking up every morning to a beautiful sunrise from my $3 beach hut, shaking off last night’s rum with a dip in the azure blue ocean, loving life and really feeling the freedom from my travels I remembered what...
done be scared

Motivational Monday: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

I’m currently writing this on a train from Beijing to Ulaan Baator, Mongolia on the first leg of the Trans Siberian Express. I’m in a 4 bed carriage with 2 guys that are fast becoming close friends of mine,   I didn’t even know these dudes...

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