living life with passion

Motivational Monday: Living with Passion

An Irish travel buddy, Gerard Darragh, of mine was sitting on a bus beside me this week in China and we were talking about life. He recollected a story about how the Romans were the first people to use obituaries for their fallen. They woul...
sitting on a yak

The Joy of my 8 Hour Bus in China

Oh the joys of backpacking are all coming rushing back to me now. So I left Chengdu to head to Juizhaigou to check out its UNESCO national park. A simple 8 hour bus journey they said, no worries. Hmmm….   I went to the bus station at 7...

Saying goodbye when you set off never get easier

I’ve just set off on my China to Ireland by land trip, and I’ve had to (temporarily?) say goodbye to my life in Thailand. Leaving my comfort zone, something that I so often urge other people to do, has once again proven very difficult....
Communication with foreigners

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Getting Lost in Words

“A man who speaks two languages is worth two men” – it may be famous but it doesn’t mean it’s true. Imagine this scenario… I’m sitting on a train, my seat is supposed to be 14A but I choose to sit on 14B. It doesn’t particularly bothe...
Mumbai in India

Am I too old to travel?

Am I too old to travel? My first reaction to the title statement is one of utter derision – I’m someone who resents being told I can’t do something, and I certainly don’t feel too old to do anything!  Mark Twain said “Age is an issue o...
foam party pattaya

Hard Rock Café Foam Party in Pattaya

I’ve sung the praises of attractions nearby Pattaya before, with an awesome Bangkok day trip to Lan Island, but I’ve never spoken about Pattaya directly before, and there’s a distinct reason. A lot of Pattaya revolves around sex tourism and...

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