sweating when you travel

Tuesday Travel Rants: Sweating it Up

I remember being a little kid, watching movies of dudes out jogging, sweat patches on their back and under their arms, and I sat there thinking that’s pretty cool. It was manly, powerful, a show of strength. Wrong. Now I wish those p...
hidden costs airlines

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Hidden F*cking Costs

I’m not even gonna rant (well, sort of not) – this is how the thought process of booking a budget airline goes: Wow, a flight from Ukraine to Poland for $20, that’s amazing. I’ve always wanted to go Poland. I...
trans siberian cabin

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Late Trains and Buses

Pulling into Bangkok HuaLampong train station, on a night sleeper from Chiang Mai, 4 hours late for the third consecutive time – I finally had had enough, travel rant time. What I don’t get is why trains across the ‘dev...
running with a backpack on

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Running with your backpack on

You slept in, too many beers last night, long goodbye to new found friends, lost on your way to the airport/bus stop/train station, whatever the reason running late for your next mode of transport is a nightmare situation. What’s wor...
Communication with foreigners

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Getting Lost in Words

“A man who speaks two languages is worth two men” – it may be famous but it doesn’t mean it’s true. Imagine this scenario… I’m sitting on a train, my seat is supposed to be 14A but I choose to...

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Buying Sunscreen in Asia

I admit it, I’m a pasty Irishman. A natural bronzed Adonis I am not however I don’t think I’m asking too much by wanting to have a choice of sunscreens I can buy within a whole bloody continent. The thing about the majo...
Long immigration queues

Travel Rant Number 4: Immigration Queues

Ok, I’ve started to rant a bit over the last month, so i thought I’d give it an actual section on my blog! That way I don’t seem like a grumpy, perpetually p*ssed off backpacker (right?!). It’s called ‘Tuesday...
Busy bus station

Travel Rant Number 4: Transport Touts

Wow, the people in this new country are so friendly. Everyone is trying to help us get a ticket, they’re literally fighting over who should help us – amazing. Hmmmm – the only thing amazing about this is how many people...

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