Asian Ketchup

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Asian Ketchup

As you guys know I love Asia, and I love my new ‘home’ Thailand – probably even more than my ‘old home’ Ireland, but nowhere is perfect. And although Thailand comes close, they’ve committed a cardinal sin and I’m not happy… So here you are,...
America is not a country

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: I’m From America

Following up last  Tuesday’s Travel Rant about people from around the world assuming that they can go straight to their city when asked where there from, as opposed to their country, I thought I’d continue in that vein.   Where a...
sweating when you travel

Tuesday Travel Rants: Sweating it Up

I remember being a little kid, watching movies of dudes out jogging, sweat patches on their back and under their arms, and I sat there thinking that’s pretty cool. It was manly, powerful, a show of strength. Wrong. Now I wish those patches...
hidden costs airlines

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Hidden F*cking Costs

I’m not even gonna rant (well, sort of not) – this is how the thought process of booking a budget airline goes: Wow, a flight from Ukraine to Poland for $20, that’s amazing. I’ve always wanted to go Poland. I’m booking that.   What? Wh...
hungover dog

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Hangovers in Dorms

Pounding headache, craving a pizza, wanna to snuggle up in your bed and shut the curtains – but it’s already 2pm. Why did I drink so much? Why did I do those shots? Where have my pants gone? Partying is part and parcel of the travel scene,...
broken flip flop

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Flip-flops breaking

As you guys know, I’m pretty much always on the road but that doesn’t mean I should have to buy new sandals every other week. Admittedly, 90% of the time I’m wearing my flipflops so they do go through a little bit of a battering, however su...
trans siberian cabin

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Late Trains and Buses

Pulling into Bangkok HuaLampong train station, on a night sleeper from Chiang Mai, 4 hours late for the third consecutive time – I finally had had enough, travel rant time. What I don’t get is why trains across the ‘developing world’ (I hat...
Communication with foreigners

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Getting Lost in Words

“A man who speaks two languages is worth two men” – it may be famous but it doesn’t mean it’s true. Imagine this scenario… I’m sitting on a train, my seat is supposed to be 14A but I choose to sit on 14B. It doesn’t particularly bothe...

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