Best Destinations to Go To  When You Want to Clear Your Mind

Life isn’t always easy. Even if you’re not dealing with anything particularly stressful now, when you’re so focused on everything else, and you neglect yourself, it will start to manifest in ways you never imagined. So, to combat the consequences of stress, depression, anxiety, or burnout, it’s recommended that you get away and clear your mind. There are lots of places around the world where you can “just be”. And forget about all the cares in the world. Below are a few you might consider to clear your mind:

Sidemen, Bali; Clear your mind

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Chiang Mai, Thailand is known as the rose of the north in Thailand. The temperatures are much cooler than the famous islands in the south, and the hectic capital of Bangkok. Chiang Mai has been making waves recently as THE place to be if you can manage to negotiate a remote-working situation, allowing you to become a digital nomad.

Cheap cost of living, lots of things to do in Chiang Mai, and surrounded in beautiful mountains, Chiang Mai ticks a lot of boxes. Not to mention the delicious northern Thai food. And with condos and houses, complete with pools and gyms, available for as little as $200 a month, it doesn’t take a lot to get set up.

The only thing to negotiate is the paperwork to visit Thailand during the pandemic, the ASQ Bangkok quarantine during COVID, but that’s all about to disappear. And you’ll be good to go. Drop me a message if you make it here. I’m currently building my dream house in Thailand. And Chiang Mai is my new, adopted home.

Bali, Indonesia

Eat, Pray, Love opened the world’s eyes to the heaven that is Bali. And whilst it may be home to one-too-many Instagrammers, it’s still an absolute paradise. It’s a great spot to rejuvenate, eat healthy food, practice yoga, surfing or working out. There are beautiful volcanos to climb and islands to explore nearby, and of course plenty of things to fill your Bali itinerary with. You can even head to Komodo Island, and check out the Komodo Dragons!

But if you’re here to clear your mind, then find a little villa in Ubud or the quiet north to escape, it’s a place where you can truly find peace and tranquility.

Sedona, Arizona

If you want to explore the great deserts of Arizona there’s no better place to considering going than Sedona. An area most popular for its lavish resorts and spa retreats. You’ll find a way to clear your mind here. There are some who believe that Sedona has a healing spirit that can be felt by those who visit. Find your inner peace as you explore this beautiful city. The Amitabha Stupa, a Buddhist structure found in Sedona is one peaceful place to visit. The monument is a popular destination for reflection and prayer. There’s a reason why finding a home in Sedona is all the rage at the moment.

Final thoughts on the Best Destinations to Go To  When You Want to Clear Your Mind

Sometimes life gets the best of you. Aand you just need a little rest and relaxation to take on the challenges that come your way. IF it’s been a while since you’ve gone on a trip, perhaps it’s time to pencil in some much-needed downtime for yourself.

Whether you take a trip to Chiang Mai or Bali, you’ll find peace of mind. Whether you’re struggling with stress, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or you just need a time out, finding the time to be alone can put you back on track to changing your life for the better. Self love is something we all need.

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