Marathon Des Sables; My Experience Running 6 Marathons in 6 Days in the Sahara

Marathon Des Sables; My Experience Running 6 Marathons in 6 Days in the Sahara What is the Marathon Des Sables? It’s a slightly less cool version of the Eye of the Sahara Ultra Marathon in Mauritania, one of the hardest marathons in t...
2019 round up

2019 Round-Up: $250k made, $100k donated, 64 flights and 19 countries!

2019 Round-Up: $250k made, $100k donated, 64 flights and 19 countries! Sorry for the belated round-up, if you’ve been following me on you’ll see I’ve been up South America’s highest mountai...
MDS terrain

Marathon Des Sables Frequently Asked Questions

Marathon Des Sables Frequently Asked Questions I’m no athlete. In fact, I’m not even a runner (although I did once finish 8th in the North Pole Marathon!). Despite that, in April 209 I ran 6 marathons in 6 days across the Sahara...
The Cook Islands

Goal Diggers. What’s your Everest?

Goal Diggers. What’s your Everest? My sister warned me. After I finished such a big goal, there’d be a lull, a time when I felt a little lost. And there it was staring me in the face. I was back ‘home’ in Bangkok, Thailand. Sitting on the e...

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