
How to Edit Travel Videos

Essential Tips for Making Stunning Travel Video  Filming videos is one of the most popular trends of our time and it looks like everyone now has started their travel blog. How do the long hours of footage convert into an amazing story?...

How I Made $1,000,000 dollars in 3 years blogging!

How I Made $1,000,000 dollars in 3 years blogging! Before we start, blogging changed my life, I can’t believe just how much it’s changed, and how quickly. If you wanna know how I managed to make $1m+ blogging, buy properties in Thailand and...
Digital nomad insurance

The Best Digital Nomad Insurance (now covering COVID-19 too!); SafetyWing insurance Review

The Best Digital Nomad Insurance (FOR COVID TOO!); My Safetywing Insurance Review UPDATE JUNE 2023: Safety Wing IS NOW COVERING COVID INSURANCE TOO! If you’re an ex-pat, a digital nomad or a long-term traveler, you need travel health...
taj mahal agra

Motivational Monday: How I made $25, 000USD in 19 Days in January

Happy new year folks, it’s January, we’re back to normality after New Years, Christmas and holiday season, and personally after my 2 week charity trip to Cambodia with our foundation...

Getting Fit in Bangkok; Fitbit Surge Review

  My Fitbit Surge Review: As you guys know, I travel 9 or 10 months per year, and spend 2 or 3 months in Bangkok, Thailand, my adopted ‘home’, where I used my blogging profits to buy an apartment mortgage free. During my ti...

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