
My 2021 Year Review; Successes, Failures, Finances, Travels and Health

My 2021 Year Review; Successes, Failures, Finances, Travels and Health It’s that time of year again. Something I have been doing every single year for the last 7 years (and wish I had done since I started all this online business, blo...

The Best Travel Insurance (That I Legitimately Personally Use)

The best travel insurance I personally use: I wrote an in-depth guide to the BEST travel insurance, and the best digital nomad insurance HERE. It’s 100% honestly the insurance I personally use. $10 a week. You can apply online even wh...
2019 round up

2019 Round-Up: $250k made, $100k donated, 64 flights and 19 countries!

2019 Round-Up: $250k made, $100k donated, 64 flights and 19 countries! Sorry for the belated round-up, if you’ve been following me on you’ll see I’ve been up South America’s highest mountai...
Digital nomad insurance

The Best Digital Nomad Insurance (now covering COVID-19 too!); SafetyWing insurance Review

The Best Digital Nomad Insurance (FOR COVID TOO!); My Safetywing Insurance Review UPDATE JUNE 2023: Safety Wing IS NOW COVERING COVID INSURANCE TOO! If you’re an ex-pat, a digital nomad or a long-term traveler, you need travel health...
MDS terrain

Marathon Des Sables Frequently Asked Questions

Marathon Des Sables Frequently Asked Questions I’m no athlete. In fact, I’m not even a runner (although I did once finish 8th in the North Pole Marathon!). Despite that, in April 209 I ran 6 marathons in 6 days across the Sahara...
2018 Recap, the positive bits

2018 Review; Travels, Charity, Money, Fitness, Mental Health

2018 Review; Travels, Money, Fitness, Mental Health So 2018 has been and gone. Wow. I turned 35 in December 2018, where does the time go? I’ll tell you where, the same damn place it goes for everyone. We all share 24 ho...

Follow me on Instagram @onestep4ward