Waiter taking an order

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Ordering Food

I don’t speak your language, and for that I’m sorry, and I do appreciate that you’re trying to speak to me in English. The menu looks good, I’m absolutely starving, I’m going to order exactly what I’ve been craving and it’s going to be amaz...
How to spend 3 days in Cairo

The Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo

The Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo I spend a lot of time in Cairo these days. It’s my hop-off spot for the tours that I run to Socotra, Yemen so I know the city pretty well these days. If you want to know how to spend 1, 2 or 3 days in...
Tuk tuk in Thailand

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Tuk Tuk Drivers

Getting from A to B shouldn’t be so difficult, nor should it cost double the real fare. Furthermore, if I want a tuk-tuk (which is unlikely), I’ll search for one. There are few things more infuriating in the world than getting harassed by d...
The only people for me are the mad ones

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY: It’s All About The People

Sorry for being a couple of days late with this – I was stuck on Koh Chang (a beautiful Thai island) for a couple of days longer than expected, I had a great time with some cool people and it sparked an idea about the people in our lives. I...
Guys selling suits

TUESDAY’S TRAVEL RANT: The same old sales pitch

You can try to get off the beaten track all you want but it’s inevitable that eventually you’ll end up in yet another bloody tourist market, selling the same wooden frogs, the same fake football shirts and of course the same ubiquitous tail...
Long immigration queues

Travel Rant Number 4: Immigration Queues

Ok, I’ve started to rant a bit over the last month, so i thought I’d give it an actual section on my blog! That way I don’t seem like a grumpy, perpetually p*ssed off backpacker (right?!). It’s called ‘Tuesday...

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