Witnessing a Camel Sacrifice in Sudan WARNING: Gruesome pics and story. I had no idea what to expect when I arrived in Sudan. But seeing a camel get its head cut off in a wildly violent camel sacrifice in front of my face was probably not n...
5 Reasons to Visit Antarctica Without doubt it’s the toughest, more expensive and furthest away continent to tick off your ever-expanding bucket list but with all that, Antarctica comes with a special kind of beauty, but what are the real r...
Volcano Boarding Leon, Nicaragua; My experience! UPDATE OCTOBER 2021: Travelling overland through Central America is a great way to spend a couple of months, and during my journey there as I tried to visit every country in North America, Ni...
Trekking Aconcagua; How I Reached South America’s Highest Summit! It took 14 months, 2 attempts, and lots of anguish, but on 12th January 2020, after a couple of weeks of trekking Aconcagua, I reached the summit of one of the seven su...
Traveling to Socotra Island, Yemen; My Group Tour Experience in 2020 During my visit to every country in the world, Yemen was my 2nd last country, country number 196/197 countries. I had hopped the border from Oman to Yemen once previously,...
2019 Round-Up: $250k made, $100k donated, 64 flights and 19 countries! Sorry for the belated round-up, if you’ve been following me on instagram.com/onestep4ward you’ll see I’ve been up South America’s highest mountai...
Eritrea tourism; Everything You Need To Know When Visiting Eritrea, including How To Get There! Eritrea travel will offer you a rare opportunity. It’s untouched by tourism so it’s as ‘rmeal’ as experience as you...
Visiting Chernobyl: My Chernobyl Tour Experience Ukraine was a great country to travel through on my big trip to every country in Europe. Lviv was my favourite spot. Kyiv was fun. Although getting I had a wild experience with Odessa Nightli...
Climbing Mt Fuji with my 70yo mum; Our Experience I took my mum to Japan in January 2018 for a holiday, we checked out the Snow Monkey’s in Japan (amazing by the way), went skiing in Hokkaido and explored Tokyo for a few days. We had...
Climbing Mount Fuji; Everything You Need To Know & FAQ Climbing Mount Fuji is on many people’s bucket list, I had wanted to do it for years but both times I had been to Japan, it was in the winter, and climbing is off-limits unles...
Hiking Mount Kosciuszko; Highest Mountain in Australia UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2021: The highest mountain in Australia is Mount Kosciuszko at a whopping 2,228m (7,310 ft). It’s more of a hill, but climbing, or hiking Mount Kosciuszko is a gr...
The GiveBackGiveAway.com is now MuditaAventures.com! So the big day has finally come. It’s time to freshen things up, and increase our impact. The GiveBackGiveAway is no longer, we are now Mudita Adventures. Since 2015, we’ve be...
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