Mount Everest Nepal

What are the Seven Summits (2025 update).

What are the Seven Summits? A List in the Order of Height, Cost, Difficulty etc I’ve now climbed all 7 summits! As well as a few other disputed mountains. Looking back at this blog post makes me so happy! Anyway, so what are the 7 sum...

Is Tibet A Country?

Is Tibet a Country? I’m obsessed with questions like is Tibet a country? Why? Because I spent 10 yeas visiting every country in the world! So I have to know these things! Much like is bali a country, is dubai a country, the canary isl...
Turkmenistan gates of hell

Join me on my 2025 Trips; Syria, Mauritania, Turkmenistan and more!

Join me on my 2025 Trips; Syria, Mauritania, Turkmenistan and more! I haven’t been in an airplane for 6 weeks, and I must admit, it feels pretty good! Why? I have some personal stuff going on in Thailand so I need to be home for a bit...
How many countries in Asia?

How many countries in Asia? 47?53?

How many countries in Asia? 47?53? Technically speaking, there are 47 countries in Asia (50 if you include Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia ‘Asian‘, and not ‘European‘ – which I don’t). It depends on what...
Trans-Siberian Railyway

My Trans Siberian Railway Experience; 6 Crazy True Stories

My Trans Siberian Railway Experience; 6 Crazy True Stories Unless you’re armed with a mountain of organized paperwork (unlikely for me) Russia only grants 30-day visas. Considering the train itself takes about 7 solid days, it doesn’t...

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