large minority

Racing a TukTuk around Sri Lanka! My brand ambassadorship with Large Minority!

RACING TUKTUKS AROUND SRI LANKA? YES PLEASE! As my audience grows, and my social media grows, brands contact me all the time asking to work together, and 100% of the time I say no, other than  Momondo and FitBit, 2 brands I personally used...

My 2016 Review – 30 countries, $200k+, 64 flights!

My 2016 Review – 30 countries, $200k+, 64 flights! As the new year bounces in with all too familiar hangovers and false promises, I think it’s important to take a while and reflect on our previous year. Too often, we get caught...

3 of the Coolest Celebrations In Bhutan

3 of the Coolest Celebrations In Bhutan EDIT 2021: I have blogged about the best festivals in Bhutan in a more detailed article HERE. Please read it instead. I’ve also blogged about how to hike the Tiger’s Nest in Bhutan and the...

The Five Best Sights in Bhutan

Bhutan is often referred to as the last Shangri La. Rooted deeply in religion and medieval tradition; it’s a place that steadfastly holds onto its unique culture and refuses to submit to the modern world. It’s hard to go wrong with sightsee...

The best tour company in Bhutan

Before I headed to Bhutan, I had to choose the best tour company that would fit my itinerary and me. With this being the number one country I had wanted to go to, I had to make sure it was done right. I ended up going with Bhutan Life Expos...

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