What is Lifestyle Design?

I remember growing up and people saying to me that your school days are the best days of your life so make the most of them. This scared me. Then, at university, even more people told me that your university days are the best days of your l...
MBK Bangkok

5 Best Places to Shop in Bangkok

5 Best Places to Shop in Bangkok Sorry about this article gentlemen, it could cause a few very comfortable days getting dragged around Bangkok by your enthusiastic better halves (queue sexist furor) as they work out the best places to shop...
long term travel

Is Long-Term Travel Selfish?

As I sit in the airport waiting for yet another jaunt to Asia I got to thinking about the ethics behind long-term travel and lifestyle design in general. I’ve been on the go pretty much since summer 2006 and since then I’ve been home 3 time...
taking a felucca on the nile

5 Reasons why Traveling by Boat is Awesome

The one recurring feature of a long backpacking stint (aside from dirty laundry and malnutrition) is public transport. As any traveler can testify when you get the option of taking any other mode of transport rather than another long-distan...

10 Things I Hate About Traveling on Buses

Long distance buses are part and parcel of any backpacking trip so love ‘em or hate ‘em, you’ll be spending countless hours on these mobile prisons. Poultry, screaming babies, puke, any and all forms of wild stock, cockroaches, sheer drops,...

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