Tallinn Old City

A Walking Tour in Tallinn, Estonia

A Walking Tour in Tallinn, Estonia I’ve been anticipating my arrival in the Baltic states for months. I’d heard that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were steeped in history, dripping with culture and that their cities were full of the most am...
put the past away

Motivational Monday: Put the Past Away

It’s humbling to know that we’ve all made mistakes, hurt the people closest to us, wasted and spurned opportunities, made the wrong decisions. It’s part of what makes us human and what helps connects us together. We’re all in the same boat,...
dressing up for vappu

Partying for Vappu in Helsinki

My mission from Asia to Europe by land is now officially complete. I made it to Europe, jumped on the bus from St Petersburg to Helsinki. I actually left Russia one day early in order to reach Finland for the 30th April, because I had heard...
hungover dog

Tuesday’s Travel Rant: Hangovers in Dorms

Pounding headache, craving a pizza, wanna to snuggle up in your bed and shut the curtains – but it’s already 2pm. Why did I drink so much? Why did I do those shots? Where have my pants gone? Partying is part and parcel of the travel scene,...
100 trillion dollars

Quirky Travel Habits I Have

Having been traveling for 6 years, since 2006, I’d be surprised if I hadn’t picked up a few quirky habits on my way around the world. I try my best not to horde things, I’m a minimalist by nature and other than the tech I travel with, and o...
the world is a Playground

Motivational Monday: The World Is A Playground

When we are kids, everything is an adventure, every thing is a game and our biggest concern is when we can next do something fun. Then we reach adulthood and it’s just supposed to end, just like that. I guess the official turning point is w...
Peter and Paul Fortress

2 Days in St Petersburg

St Petes is to Moscow what Beauty is to the Beast. After a month in Russia I thought I had worked out Russian cities, with their Soviet hangover still lingering, mass apartment blocks, they were interesting if not pleasing to the eye, but t...

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